Friday, September 30, 2011

Extra Credit #002

Continuing with our theme last week of bringing nature indoors. Let's all take a photograph of JUST the sky (see the below example, all blue sky is ok) . NO buildings, telephone poles, wires, tree, etc... can be in the picture. Get a 4x6 photographic print made (photo ink jet paper is ok, just not plain paper) Follow those guides and turn it in Monday for 30pts extra credit.

It MUST follow the above guidelines and can only be turned in on Monday to receive the extra credit.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Extra Credit #001

Let's bring nature indoors and  into our classroom. Your extra credit assignment for 30 points is to take a photograph of grass and then make a 4x6 print from it. Print it out on inkjet photo paper (not plain paper) or from target, walmart, etc...  You have to make a photographic print to get the points. It is due MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. It will not be taken late. Let everyone know!!! Let's fill our wall with green grass so we don't feel stuck inside all year!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

On Wednesday September 21 we practiced loading film onto the developing reels. This is the first step in learning how to process your own black and white film!!! Next step how to load it all in the changing bag and process the film with the chemicals.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Extra credit coming soon.....

An internet only assignment for 20 extra credit points is coming soon. Spread the word to keep an eye out on facebook, twitter, or the class website for more info!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pinhole Photography

Pinhole camera construction has begun!!!
The above video is an example of what a pinhole camera looks like from the inside. This artist turns hotel rooms into pinhole cameras.

Roll #1 Negatives Due October 28!!!

Reminder that your first roll of processed negatives are due October 28th, the end of first quarter.


Welcome to the Kennedy High School photography blog.