Monday, December 12, 2011

Color Toning In Photoshop

If you missed class today or just want a refresher on how to do color toning in photoshop here is the video we watched in class. Your color toned image is due December 23rd.
15colortoning2 from Aaron Nace on Vimeo.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Camera Controls Workshop

Today 17 students participated in the first Kennedy HS photo workshop. Students learned how to operate a 35mm SLR camera manually and take pictures showing knowledge in using the aperture to create shallow depth of field and infinite depth of field, and how to use shutter speeds to freeze moving subjects, make moving subjects blurry and panning. See a few images below from our day.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Today we learned how to make a realistic ball in photoshop and create shadows. You can watch the video below and see it in action by my great friend Aaron Nace photoshop master.

Untitled from Aaron Nace on Vimeo.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Roll #02: Camera Controls

Roll #02 Camera Controls was officially assigned today (remember two weeks ago we went over the assignment already, you have the hand out.) If you missed school today, when we get back to school make sure to ask for your roll of film.


Fast Shutter Speed
Slow Shutter Speed
Depth of field (shallow / infinite)

Extra Credit 004

For this extra credit worth 50 points!!! You will document your Thanksgiving. From the time you wake up to right before you go to bed document everything that happens during the course of your day celebrating Thanksgiving. In order to receive credit you must look beyond the obvious and find creative and interesting compositions in documenting your day. Think about getting close up, low view point, high view point, only include what is important in that particular shot and crop out anything that does not need to be there. You must have a minimum of 25 photographs.
++Once you have taken all of your photographs go to: http:/// (create an account if you don't already have one  it's FREE) and create a new set labeled "Thanksgiving" and email me the link to that set. Email link to:

Due November 28th!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Extra Credit 003

We have spent a couple days of class time discussing what makes a good photo or why we think one is "bad" or "not good". For this extra credit assignment for 30 pts find any school appropriate photograph, bring it to class Monday and share with the class at least 3 aspects of why the photograph is good and at least one on what could be improved. Every photograph has something that can be improved upon. You must share both (4 total comments and to the class) to receive credit. If you do not present to the class you will not get credit. You can only do this extra credit assignment on Monday.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pinhole Camera's

Pinhole camera construction came to an end on Halloween, October 31, 2011. Here are just a few of the almost 200 pinhole camera's that were built. Students are now working on taking at least four negatives on campus and one of their parent(s). ENJOY!